Times change. People change. Tastes changes. Cultures and societies change. Many things change; it often accounts and allows for growth. But, what about values...the core and foundation on which things are built on and around in order to be strong and survive? What about sex; sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, sometimes it's just.... But, has the value of sex changed?
At one point, sex was valued, treasured, and held to a standard that was highly regarded and looked upon. People waited until marriage to lose their virginity; some only having one sexual partner throughout their entire lifetime. Some people established rules (i.e., no sex before the 6th date or 3 months), some people refused to discuss sex, and then their were those we love and find most interesting...those we often refer to as "a lady in the streets but a freak between the sheets." (Now, before people start proclaiming sexism and sexist statements, that phrase is also being used for men who fit that description; they are the ones often referred to as "uptight" and "sinfully vanilla".) Let us not forget the risque encounters...where a financial transaction was executed for sex; breaking it down for those slow on the uptake....prostitution. Prostitutes even had a value for sex; a specific dollar amount. The value and standard to which you held sex, seemed to be in direct correlation to how your character was viewed. Sex....was a part of a relationship that was sacred and of sustenance.
But, now; today....oooooh chile! People seem to value sex less than they value holy underwear. People have sex before the first date, without knowing someone's name, without seeing someone's face, without saying 'hello'; and those who would be considered prostitutes now have sex in exchange for a "suggested donation." Sex is held under the conditions of NSA (no strings attached; i.e., 'strings' being emotions), discreet, open relationship, and other such instances which, back-in-the-day, would appear derogatory and degrading.
People seem to be viewing sex on a more acceptable social level; where it's actually more about the fulfillment and satisfaction of self and not the caring or concern of another or others. Where multiple partners in a short time span once seemed to be frowned upon; it now seems to be smiled upon, encouraged, and rewarded by peers.
While the standards for sex seem to have changed...has the value of sex changed? Do we value it more or less; or is its value holding steady? Has the significance and importance of sex been over-rated?
The platform where I unleash my personality, wit, charm, and humor while sharing my comments and highly sought after opinions on...EVERYTHING: life (my life, the lives of others, life in NYC), love/relationships and other things that waste time, entertainment, current events, weird social behaviors, and anything else I feel needs my love and special attention.
Yours Truly

- Syieve Locklair
- New York, NY, United States
- I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.