Yours Truly

My photo
New York, NY, United States
I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

At the Drop of a Dime: A Dating Rant

I know I've said this before, but you know when something's so-right, you have to say it, again. It's frightening how most men (homosexual, heterosexual, or a combination of the two) insist on repeatedly demonstrating ways to prove (or significantly reinforce the opinions of others) that they:
  1. Are no-good, lieing, cheating dogs
  2. Are crazy as hell
  3. Have lost their damn minds
...and not necessarily in that particular order! Seriously, come on people...let's get it together; do better. Much better!

Point-in-case, the most recent dingbat (Dingbat # TooManyI'veStoppedCounting)...felt the need to call repeatedly; and never left a message. Did it ever occur to him I couldn't answer the phone...or in this case, didn't hear it ringing as the phone was on silent? (Probably not. See...he's special; or as I like to call it...'crazy as hell.') So, we finally connect...WHAT DO YOU WANT??? He was available and was just calling to see if I wanted to go out...catch a movie or something. IT'S 10PM...EASTERN! HELL-TO-THE-NO!!!

What's wrong with people? What possessed him to think I was going to drop what I was doing (relaxing my nerves and soul) to go out with him...last minute? How dare he have the audacity to think he's special enough for me to jump because he's "available." (See...'done lost his damn mind.') I've only met 2.5 people in my life who would make me even consider jumping at a moment's notice...and I probably still wouldn't do it. Standards, people. Get some. Stick to them.

This is not the first person or the first "gentleman" this has happened with; obviously has me confused with someone else. Please note: I am not your average 17 year old (or sad 34 year old) who's willing and anxiously sitting around counting tweets or waiting for you to FaceBook or text them. I'm 21...with a few years' experience. I'm busy; out and about living my life and doing my own thang. Catch me if you can.

Note: I know I didn't touch on #1, but it's covered in far too many other posts. Besides, it's self-explanatory and we see it far too often. Stay'll be around, again.

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