Yours Truly

My photo
New York, NY, United States
I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Approach with Caution

I've said it before; now, I'm saying it, again: People have lost their damn minds. Especially in regards to decency in dating. What is going on? I have no clue; which is why I'm grateful for having established my personal "rules" years ago. Call me a diva if you want, but I cannot do the craziness. A long time ago, I had to break it down for people...
  1. Don't bother me
  2. Don't speak to me unless I have given you permission
  3. Do NOT touch me
The list goes on, but it's beginning to look like I'll have to add a few more rules and include some side notes. I don't know if it's the use of the internet or the social acceptance of more relaxed behaviors that has encouraged people to do things that piss me off or if it's caused people to be bold and brazen with their actions. What ever the cause, I'm stating it here and now:
  1. Approach me incorrectly and I'm shutting you down
  2. Approach me for no reason at all and I'll show you how I "walk on by"
  3. Approach me with your game together and, prepared to lose your breath
Back to those who have lost their minds. People, I don't know what's going on, but....
  • Don't send me messages that say "call me [phone number]." I know I'm a celebrity, but I have no idea who you are...what makes you think I want to call you? Try a proper introduction.
  • Don't send me one or two word messages with pictures of body parts that are normally covered by clothes and none of body parts that are typically open to the public. That's just nasty...and often frightening.
  • Don't stare at me and not say anything.
  • Don't walk up to me and ask to kiss me or state other actions you would like to enjoy. I DON'T KNOW YOU...and I don't get down like that. I'm classy.
  • Don't push up on me in a club with the bump-and-grind motions. I'm too grown for that and I know your mama taught you better than that.
  • DO NOT approach me with crazy lines talking about I remind you of a car or your bank account. I don't even know what it means, but I'm sure it only works for R. Kelly and it probably only works for him because he has the bank account and cars (take note of the 's' denoting the plural form of the word).
I, mean....really? People, let's do better. A few months ago, I posted a piece mentioning other reasons (ok, more less people) as to why I am (still?) single. The above are simply more contributions and explanation. I'm telling you, it's all a bunch of crazy -ish.

You've been warned: I'm hot as fire and about to explode...APPROACH WITH CAUTION.

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