Yours Truly

My photo
New York, NY, United States
I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Giving Up, Turning Loose

Giving up and turning loose is not the same as quitting. Well, it can be...but, don't let it be. The trick is to reevaluate, re-envision, and refocus; direct your energy and efforts in a new direction...the right direction. The direction where you and your best interests are the focus and your happiness is the end goal and destination.

Before you can redirect, you have to know how the current situation makes you feel and affects you within. This is, also, the time to acknowledge that the situation isn't right for you and why it isn't right. It may sound difficult, but easier to do than you think. Be objective about the situation --- take it all in and extract the learning experiences and opportunities --- be present, embrace yourself, affirm what you're getting from the moment, and claim what you want and intend to get.

A few "complete the sentences" to help get you there:
  • This isn't working for me, because...
  • I want...
  • To get it, I will...
  • My goal is...
  • This entire situation has taught me...

Knowing when to let go is one of the most powerful moments one can experience; it's at this time when you know you've given something your all and have realized that it's not the best for you. This is the moment where you set yourself free; releasing YOU from restraints. Let it go and prepare yourself for what's right for you...rather it be something or someone. Understand and become familiar with what doesn't work for you; that way, you're familiar with them and if you should ever encounter them, again, in your life you'll know to avoid those things (elements, factors, people, etc) and not to waste valuable time dealing with them unnecessarily.

Give it up.
Turn it loose.

Spread your wings.
Get to where you want to be.

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