WHAT IN THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN??? "Let's be friends" ... and is it followed by a question mark or a period? One can never tell. Personally, I wish people would forget the games and passiveness and just say what is on their minds. It's 2011 for crying out loud; can we all please man-up and get it together? Geesh.
Let's. Be. Friends. Those three words that are intended to imply that romantic interest is not present; at least, not for the party speaking the words. We all should be adults about our grown-up situations and take the bull by the horns; just let it be known that the present situation (whatever it may be) isn't working and each party should go their ways. Spare the friendship -ish, because you know you don't want to be friends, anyway; it's just not going to happen. Besides, have you ever asked one of your true friends if the two of you could be friends? (Pause...let that one marinate and percolate.) I didn't think so. That would be real strange, right? Someone you would designate as crazy and run as far and as fast away from as you possibly could. Remember this the next time you hear someone (special?) say, "Let's be friends." Run like the wind; they don't want to be friends and they don't know how to be friends.
I confess; I have heard the words before. So, I spoke from experience when I said "they don't actually want to be friends" and "they don't know how to be a friend." Yes, I have wasted a few valuable moments of my life on "friends" I should not have; which is why I am sharing this with you...ok, more like warning you. Don't make me have to come back and say "I told you so." You know I'll do it; nicely [grin], but I'll do it.
Now, the dispenser of these words is likely to be an intimate cohort. If the intimate situation isn't working out; the chances of a real friendship working out aren't that attractive, either. I think it's one thing if you're friends first, evolve into some sort of romantic situation, and then you realize the fire isn't there so you downgrade and return to being friends. That, could work...riiiiight? Better chance there a starting out higher (more than platonic) and downgrading. If you can't handle the original position you applied for; this company may not be for you. Go forward; not backwards.
Deborah Cox and R. L. sang about a similar situation in one of my favorite songs, "We Can't Be Friends." Deborah did her thang and kept it simple and to-the-point: "We can't be friends." She fell a little short, as she was still in love with her former Boo, but I give her props for taking charge and handling the situation. Hold up your hand, stop the presses, and put yourself first; spare yourself the drama and the pain.
With this video in mind, Deborah and I are pretty much alike...aside from the fact she can sing and I; well, I can entertain. The next time someone gives you these few words, stand up and tell them like it is Get missing! Keep it moving! And don't come back.
"Let's be friends" {question mark}
"Oh, hell to the no" {period; full stop}
The platform where I unleash my personality, wit, charm, and humor while sharing my comments and highly sought after opinions on...EVERYTHING: life (my life, the lives of others, life in NYC), love/relationships and other things that waste time, entertainment, current events, weird social behaviors, and anything else I feel needs my love and special attention.
Yours Truly

- Syieve Locklair
- New York, NY, United States
- I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Let's Be Friends
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