Dictionary.com defines "reflection" as: an image; representation; counterpart. So, yes, it's more than just a physical image of your looks in a glass/mirror.
An image, representation, and counterpart...all of which are true are largely forgotten about by most of the population when it comes to the people in our lives and how they reflect on who we are as individuals. We all know the company (friends) that we keep are a reflection on our character. In regards to family...since we don't get to choose, we are pretty much stuck with what we get; but some do reserve the right of selectivity.
[as i step onto my soapbox] Will someone please tell me why is it that when we choose our significant others (those we date and marry), the concept of them being a reflection (and really, an extension) of who we are just flies straight out the damn window? People, I really need you to realize this and think passed the physical. Yes, attractive is a requirement, but don't forget about the rest. Inquire and research their medical history, do a credit check, and run a background check...or three. If you don't, you are more than likely to run into some interesting (and often unpleasant) surprises. Granted, your friends may find them highly entertaining, but will then begin questioning you; which will probably be something along the lines of "What the hell are you thinking?"
Two brief situations where thoroughly investigations can come in handy:
1) If you're ever walking down a crowded, public city street and someone screams (yes, loudly; the kind that stops people in their tracks and have them turn towards the source) an inquiry about your ex that worked (and secretly still works?) for some escort/adult-oriented dot com...research comes in handy for this. It prepared you for what to expect...that way you can alert your friends and keep them in the know, so they won't be blown away. Y'all know my nerves can only take so much.
2) Once upon a time, there was this young, stylish, classy young lady who had this boyfriend; we could not figure out why they were together or what she saw in him. What really stumped us was how she was able to handle his foot odor? I'm not talking about a "wash between your toes and put some powder in your shoes odor." I'm talking throat-clenching, make you gag for three days straight, CHRONIC odor! This was open all the windows, take the doors off the hinges, remove the roof, and it's still going to resonate for 30 minutes. There were those who said she was used to it. AIN' NO WAY! He wasn't used to it and they were his feet; his odor. Some have said she was addickted. I'm sorry, but there is none that good; trust me. I know some of you are wondering how I know. Trust me...it was bad. Read between the lines. We couldn't handle it in a public setting, so we couldn't figure out how she could handle it in a private/intimate setting. That was a reflection on her; and not a good reflection.
I'm not trying to judge people; I'm just trying to help people judge the people they let enter their lives. Believe me when I say .... it's all about image; IMAGE IS EVERYTHING! So, take a look in the mirror...look at yourself and everyone in your life.
The platform where I unleash my personality, wit, charm, and humor while sharing my comments and highly sought after opinions on...EVERYTHING: life (my life, the lives of others, life in NYC), love/relationships and other things that waste time, entertainment, current events, weird social behaviors, and anything else I feel needs my love and special attention.
Yours Truly

- Syieve Locklair
- New York, NY, United States
- I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.
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