Yours Truly

My photo
New York, NY, United States
I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Okay...I'm sitting in an airport waiting for my flight back home. I'm trying to contain myself, cause we all know how much I like waiting and how exciting it is to sit in airports. [rolls eyes] Anyway, me being I sit here (dressed quasi-celebrity incognito...with a bright yellow jacket) I'm people watching, and I realize...I either need to travel more or travel less; I'm not sure. What I see isn't the most appealing site. Every flight I take seems to involve fellow travels who make me want to sleep: at the gate, during the flight, as I take my very public means of transportation home. I mean, really, I know airlines are cutting back...we had mini pretzels sticks on the departing flight from more peanuts or promotional snacks that make you even think of purchasing them once you land....but can we at least get some decent "eye" candy???

Although, this morning...I'm not complaining...yet. So far, no loud, screaming, or crying kids. added one coughing, sneezing, or uncontrollably gawking at me.

Can't wait to see my seat mate. Should be f-u-n. (smile)


  1. Flying is not a joyful experience, and with the survival mode the airline industry has been in for years, flying is not a luxury, it's a nuisance. Most travelers during weekdays are the frequent fliers in their zombie like routine, getting from one city to the next, hoping they'll be on time, won't get sick, won't be bothered, and won't crash while flying. The friendliness of these travelers is masked by their catatonic state, which is in fact the only way they can fly and endure the hell of flight travel every week in the US

  2. Catatonic and zombie-like...I cosign to that. That's a role I quickly assumed; dark shades, hat pulled down over my eyes, and no facial expressions/signs of emotions. My seatmate quickly learned that I was "closed for conversation."
