2 Days.
2 Weeks.
2 Months.
The length of some of my best (in my opinion) relationships. Okay, maybe not 'the best,' but definitely the duration of a [quality] few that I thought should have lasted longer than their expiration date. But, that's just me; obviously, others thought otherwise.
After being involved with someone and whatever you have fizzles after two weeks...and this happens so often it seems to be a trend...you begin to understand the phrase "always a bridesmaid, never a bride." With that, me being me and all that I am, you know I have to dress this up a little bit...make it modern and trendy ... so we'll say "Ex-Boyfriend Material." It's hip, it's cute ... and I'm looking for a way to make it British. Okay, I'm, but wouldn't that make it even hotter???
Ex-Boyfriend Material. Think about it...it's perfect and it's smart. Tells you everything from the get-go: All you've ever wanted without the hassle of a long-term commitment -- a dream partner!
Generous (but don't get it twisted, I don't give away certain things and I don't support all causes)
Romantic (when I want to be)
and much more; including 'full of life with my own personal flair' -- it's all about the personality!
I never fully understood what was going on in my life; then, I realized I was overlooking my value and what I offer. I'm the new it guy...and never knew it! No one ever told me despite the fact they seem to have been hooked to the game. But I got it, now; I'm on it! I know...if these are the qualities that make me Ex-Boyfriend Material, I don't want to be Boyfriend Material.
Sad, but true.
The platform where I unleash my personality, wit, charm, and humor while sharing my comments and highly sought after opinions on...EVERYTHING: life (my life, the lives of others, life in NYC), love/relationships and other things that waste time, entertainment, current events, weird social behaviors, and anything else I feel needs my love and special attention.
Yours Truly

- Syieve Locklair
- New York, NY, United States
- I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
High Standards: The Markings of a Closet Sadist?
Decide what you want. State what you want. And don't settle for less. I don't see anything wrong with that; it's who I am, it's what I do...it's me!
I'm all about the specifics and details. Why waste time with the mundane or settling for something that doesn't satisfy your requirements? What's the point? You're only going to spend time trying to improve beyond repair or waste even more time trying to get what you're actually searching for.
Others don't understand; they criticize saying my standards are too high or I'm searching for an ideal. In a way, they're right. I'm always searching for an ideal; not because I'm deeply rooted in misery and unhappiness, but because I'm a perfectionist -- I'm constantly searching for the perfect piece to complete the puzzle--my puzzle! I search for my ideal; no one else's. What's right for me, isn't going to be right for someone else. Understand that!
A closet sadist? For knowing and going after what I want? I know not. If anyone is being tortured, it's me for dealing with those who know they can't fulfill the requirements, but still want to be in the way. Wasting time...and torturing me softly.
I'm all about the specifics and details. Why waste time with the mundane or settling for something that doesn't satisfy your requirements? What's the point? You're only going to spend time trying to improve beyond repair or waste even more time trying to get what you're actually searching for.
Others don't understand; they criticize saying my standards are too high or I'm searching for an ideal. In a way, they're right. I'm always searching for an ideal; not because I'm deeply rooted in misery and unhappiness, but because I'm a perfectionist -- I'm constantly searching for the perfect piece to complete the puzzle--my puzzle! I search for my ideal; no one else's. What's right for me, isn't going to be right for someone else. Understand that!
A closet sadist? For knowing and going after what I want? I know not. If anyone is being tortured, it's me for dealing with those who know they can't fulfill the requirements, but still want to be in the way. Wasting time...and torturing me softly.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Advice for a Hussy
By no way and in no means is this a "user guide to gold-digging and gold-diggers" or a "how to succeed in gold-digging" post. Consider it more of a "things I shouldn't forget when degrading myself" or "how not to annoy Syieve" tip sheet.
Gold-digging is probably as old as prostitution, but before the trendy renaming, I believe it was more commonly known as "seducing." You know, 'how to get what I want without working for it and making someone else think I'm interested in them.'
Now, considering the practice has been around for ages and we're in 2009--the age of strength, independence, and individuality....brace yourself for Tip #1.
Take these tips with a grain of salt, if you want. I admit, I AM NOT A GOLD-DIGGER (contrary to popular belief), but I do know what a gold-digger should not be and should never do.
Now, take it to the bank and cash-in on it!
Gold-digging is probably as old as prostitution, but before the trendy renaming, I believe it was more commonly known as "seducing." You know, 'how to get what I want without working for it and making someone else think I'm interested in them.'
Now, considering the practice has been around for ages and we're in 2009--the age of strength, independence, and individuality....brace yourself for Tip #1.
- Tip #1: Be You. Do you. Get Your Own. Get yourself and your life together -- make a name for yourself, stand strong, take care of you, and get what's yours. Stop relying on others and don't spend your life saying "gimme" ... unless you're giving something as equally good (if not better) in return.
- Tip #2: Transparency isn't cute. If you do try to take advantage of another or others; have an A-Game, don't half step. Not sexy! Again, it's age-old and there are many competitors. Your ulterior motives should be smooth and unnoticeable. There's nothing less seductive than a tramp with a visible goal. Be smart, fool yourself if you have to, and don't wear your dreams on your sleeves.
- Tip #3: Be a sport about it; have a positive attitude. If someone calls you out as a Golddigger {see side note 3b}, don't be upset and have an attitude. It's your own damn fault. You're an amateur trying to be a professional and failed. Suck it up, deal with it, and follow-up on Tip #1. Be proactive.
Take these tips with a grain of salt, if you want. I admit, I AM NOT A GOLD-DIGGER (contrary to popular belief), but I do know what a gold-digger should not be and should never do.
Now, take it to the bank and cash-in on it!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Antsy with Anticipation
You never know what to expect when you're eagerly anticipating something to happen. It seems as if everything related to it makes you eager and antsy; your anticipation level creeps higher . This, I know.
Two of my most eagerly anticipated events of the year, possibly of the decade thus far, are less than two months away: Monday, August 31, 2009 and Tuesday, September 22, 2009.
When I say "I'm pumped!" It's an understatement. Both of these events I've been waiting on and wanting for years. My dreams are about to become a reality!
Monday, August 31, 2009
The release of Whitney Houston's long-awaited new CD, I Look To You. I've heard a few songs from the CD and each one makes me want it more and more...and sooner! She looks and sounds great; all money is on her! Visit the official Whitney Houston site to hear "Million Dollar Bill" and "I Look To You."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The release of, Mama Dearest -- what is assumed to be the last novel by the late, great E. Lynn Harris. Mama Dearest marks the return of E. Lynn's saucy character Yancy Harrington Braxton. Need I say more!? If you know Yancy, that's all I need to say. If you don't know Yancy, you better get an introduction...QUICK!

Two of my most eagerly anticipated events of the year, possibly of the decade thus far, are less than two months away: Monday, August 31, 2009 and Tuesday, September 22, 2009.
When I say "I'm pumped!" It's an understatement. Both of these events I've been waiting on and wanting for years. My dreams are about to become a reality!
Monday, August 31, 2009
The release of Whitney Houston's long-awaited new CD, I Look To You. I've heard a few songs from the CD and each one makes me want it more and more...and sooner! She looks and sounds great; all money is on her! Visit the official Whitney Houston site to hear "Million Dollar Bill" and "I Look To You."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The release of, Mama Dearest -- what is assumed to be the last novel by the late, great E. Lynn Harris. Mama Dearest marks the return of E. Lynn's saucy character Yancy Harrington Braxton. Need I say more!? If you know Yancy, that's all I need to say. If you don't know Yancy, you better get an introduction...QUICK!
Mark your calendars for both of these dates...and don't forget!
Movie Review: Julie & Julia
JULIE & JULIA [Meryl Streep, Amy Adams]
Appetizing. Delectable. Warmingly delicious. 'The butter to your bread.' Meryl Streep and Amy Adams deliver remarkable performances in this funny, heart-warming, mouth-watering, and loving comedy. This is truly the feel-good movie of the summer that will leave you satisfied, yet hungry. It's bound to have you running to three places after you see it: 1) the bookstore [for a Julia Child's cookbook] 2) the grocery store [for recipe ingredients...most likely beef chunks, lobster, and butter -- which makes everything taste better] and 3) your kitchen [to utilize numbers 1 and 2].
A minor detail in the movie, that most will likel overlook, but I just adore, praise, and highly recommend...COOKWARE. Both Julia and Julie used Le Creuset brand pots. These are my ABSOLUTE FAVES; there is nothing better. Trust me...I live by these pots and many of their other cookware line items. Many don't understand my fascination with them, but once you use them...you'll know. They are like gold...and make the best gifts! [hint, hint]
Go ahead, run to see this movie and prepare to get your cook on!
Appetizing. Delectable. Warmingly delicious. 'The butter to your bread.' Meryl Streep and Amy Adams deliver remarkable performances in this funny, heart-warming, mouth-watering, and loving comedy. This is truly the feel-good movie of the summer that will leave you satisfied, yet hungry. It's bound to have you running to three places after you see it: 1) the bookstore [for a Julia Child's cookbook] 2) the grocery store [for recipe ingredients...most likely beef chunks, lobster, and butter -- which makes everything taste better] and 3) your kitchen [to utilize numbers 1 and 2].
A minor detail in the movie, that most will likel overlook, but I just adore, praise, and highly recommend...COOKWARE. Both Julia and Julie used Le Creuset brand pots. These are my ABSOLUTE FAVES; there is nothing better. Trust me...I live by these pots and many of their other cookware line items. Many don't understand my fascination with them, but once you use them...you'll know. They are like gold...and make the best gifts! [hint, hint]
Go ahead, run to see this movie and prepare to get your cook on!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Weight of Sexiness
Does my sexiness make me look *phat?
If so, is it like water weight--not as significant as people think--or a credential that puts you ahead of the competition?
Aim to be sexy...plus. Sexiness is only a part of the whole; it will get you in the door, but it won't keep you in the house. If anything, it's the icing on the cake that lets you come and go in the house freely; until you screw up. Sexiness is the pizazz, finesse, and polished touch over a core, solid foundation; such as a friendship, but it can also be the perfect accessory for a cute quirk or common belief. Don't get trapped with those who only see the sexy, and don't invest the time it takes to explore and find your other main core components--the components that make and represent who you truly are and what you have to offer. Your Essence. The person who does this should be someone who believes in you, all you do, and all you have to offer.
If you're after the sexy, don't get caught up on the wrapping; be sure to examine the package. Step up to the sexy plate and know what to do and how to handle it. Begin to explore and search for the components that make up the whole. What stands out as exceptional, rare, and of quality? What compliments the sexy and vice versa? Find what would make you attracted to the person, even if they aren't sexy. Discover someone with the qualities you believe in who is also someone you can believe in.
While many people place an emphasis on looks and sex appeal, it's the combination of many factors that adds, makes the whole, and makes the big difference in determining the keepers and the throw backs.
Sexiness has diminishing powers; in the eyes of another, you can have it one day and not the next. Be sure to discover, develop, and hone other appealing traits, because compared to the factors that matter, sexiness is a light-weight.
*For those of you who still don't know and are too embarrassed or not embarrassed at all to ask,
phat = pretty, hott, and tempting.
If so, is it like water weight--not as significant as people think--or a credential that puts you ahead of the competition?
Aim to be sexy...plus. Sexiness is only a part of the whole; it will get you in the door, but it won't keep you in the house. If anything, it's the icing on the cake that lets you come and go in the house freely; until you screw up. Sexiness is the pizazz, finesse, and polished touch over a core, solid foundation; such as a friendship, but it can also be the perfect accessory for a cute quirk or common belief. Don't get trapped with those who only see the sexy, and don't invest the time it takes to explore and find your other main core components--the components that make and represent who you truly are and what you have to offer. Your Essence. The person who does this should be someone who believes in you, all you do, and all you have to offer.
If you're after the sexy, don't get caught up on the wrapping; be sure to examine the package. Step up to the sexy plate and know what to do and how to handle it. Begin to explore and search for the components that make up the whole. What stands out as exceptional, rare, and of quality? What compliments the sexy and vice versa? Find what would make you attracted to the person, even if they aren't sexy. Discover someone with the qualities you believe in who is also someone you can believe in.
While many people place an emphasis on looks and sex appeal, it's the combination of many factors that adds, makes the whole, and makes the big difference in determining the keepers and the throw backs.
Sexiness has diminishing powers; in the eyes of another, you can have it one day and not the next. Be sure to discover, develop, and hone other appealing traits, because compared to the factors that matter, sexiness is a light-weight.
*For those of you who still don't know and are too embarrassed or not embarrassed at all to ask,
phat = pretty, hott, and tempting.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Rebuilding Bridges
"Be careful of the bridges you burn, because you never know when you'll have to cross them, again." I'm sure you received this advice growing up, probably about as many times as you heard "Eat your vegetables" and "Look both ways before crossing the street."
Well, you know, this IS me, so let me tell you, I'm the master of burning bridges AND blowing away the ashes--you know I have to make it pop and 'kick it up a notch.' As for worrying about having to cross it, again; why bother? If you're, like me, pissed off to the point where you had to torch it; there obviously isn't anything (or anyone in a lot of cases) valuable "on the other side" that you would want or need to see, again. Besides, if there was a reason that I should ever need to cross; trust me, I'll get over. There's always another way across. Zip line, anyone!?
As time passes and life's journeys take us down various roads and across vast terrains, we have the occasional instances of dejavu -- either from a place that feels eerily familiar or from a place that is familiar. These are the moments where we think back on bridges that once were. Honestly, I sometimes think "what if" the bridge hadn't been burned and blown away; just unused. How would things have turned out? With me, that's often as far as it goes...again, I burned it or stopped traveling it for a reason. It's an extremely rare moment when I regret a past action/decision.
True Story: I ran across someone...or rather, someTHING...from my past a few days ago. We haven't had a connection in years; I couldn't remember if the bridge was burned, destroyed, it desentegrated, or if we just slowly and mutually grew apart because it was the healthiest thing to do. I couldn't recall us having any major issues; so, considering the time that had passed and how well I've grown, matured, maintained and heightened my level of sexiness (yes, I have redefined "grown and sexy"), I decided to at least do my part and establish a connection with "the other side." Don't get me wrong, this is 2009 and I am a highly efficient person (and Diva in My Own Right), so I didn't bother looking for a bridge that may or may not continue to be in existence. I used technology; I won't state which method; I'll let you choose: cellphone, text, Twitter, Facebook, email. That's all I'm doing; this is a two-way street. I've done my part...and let's not forget, this is ME; and I don't travel for other people.
Well, you know, this IS me, so let me tell you, I'm the master of burning bridges AND blowing away the ashes--you know I have to make it pop and 'kick it up a notch.' As for worrying about having to cross it, again; why bother? If you're, like me, pissed off to the point where you had to torch it; there obviously isn't anything (or anyone in a lot of cases) valuable "on the other side" that you would want or need to see, again. Besides, if there was a reason that I should ever need to cross; trust me, I'll get over. There's always another way across. Zip line, anyone!?
As time passes and life's journeys take us down various roads and across vast terrains, we have the occasional instances of dejavu -- either from a place that feels eerily familiar or from a place that is familiar. These are the moments where we think back on bridges that once were. Honestly, I sometimes think "what if" the bridge hadn't been burned and blown away; just unused. How would things have turned out? With me, that's often as far as it goes...again, I burned it or stopped traveling it for a reason. It's an extremely rare moment when I regret a past action/decision.
True Story: I ran across someone...or rather, someTHING...from my past a few days ago. We haven't had a connection in years; I couldn't remember if the bridge was burned, destroyed, it desentegrated, or if we just slowly and mutually grew apart because it was the healthiest thing to do. I couldn't recall us having any major issues; so, considering the time that had passed and how well I've grown, matured, maintained and heightened my level of sexiness (yes, I have redefined "grown and sexy"), I decided to at least do my part and establish a connection with "the other side." Don't get me wrong, this is 2009 and I am a highly efficient person (and Diva in My Own Right), so I didn't bother looking for a bridge that may or may not continue to be in existence. I used technology; I won't state which method; I'll let you choose: cellphone, text, Twitter, Facebook, email. That's all I'm doing; this is a two-way street. I've done my part...and let's not forget, this is ME; and I don't travel for other people.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
i'm still here
Hello Loves!
Please forgive me for being MIA these past few weeks. Time has been flying by at record pace and I've been swamped with far too many things. FEAR NOT...I have not forgotten you or "You Know You Want This." Posts are in the works and coming soon. One by end of week (August 8th)...or your money back.
Just wanted to drop by and say 'hi.'
Missing you madly.
Be back soon.
Please forgive me for being MIA these past few weeks. Time has been flying by at record pace and I've been swamped with far too many things. FEAR NOT...I have not forgotten you or "You Know You Want This." Posts are in the works and coming soon. One by end of week (August 8th)...or your money back.
Just wanted to drop by and say 'hi.'
Missing you madly.
Be back soon.
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