Yours Truly

My photo
New York, NY, United States
I'm your everyday, quintessential, slightly above average [pseudo] celebrity/poet/author/executive and personal assistant /voice actor who's talented, creative, charming, some-what funny individual who is indescribable in words. In short, I'm the person you never thought existed until you know me in your own special way.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ex-Boyfriend Material

2 Days.
2 Weeks.
2 Months.

The length of some of my best (in my opinion) relationships. Okay, maybe not 'the best,' but definitely the duration of a [quality] few that I thought should have lasted longer than their expiration date. But, that's just me; obviously, others thought otherwise.

After being involved with someone and whatever you have fizzles after two weeks...and this happens so often it seems to be a begin to understand the phrase "always a bridesmaid, never a bride." With that, me being me and all that I am, you know I have to dress this up a little bit...make it modern and trendy ... so we'll say "Ex-Boyfriend Material." It's hip, it's cute ... and I'm looking for a way to make it British. Okay, I'm, but wouldn't that make it even hotter???

Ex-Boyfriend Material. Think about's perfect and it's smart. Tells you everything from the get-go: All you've ever wanted without the hassle of a long-term commitment -- a dream partner!

Generous (but don't get it twisted, I don't give away certain things and I don't support all causes)
Romantic (when I want to be)
and much more; including 'full of life with my own personal flair' -- it's all about the personality!

I never fully understood what was going on in my life; then, I realized I was overlooking my value and what I offer. I'm the new it guy...and never knew it! No one ever told me despite the fact they seem to have been hooked to the game. But I got it, now; I'm on it! I know...if these are the qualities that make me Ex-Boyfriend Material, I don't want to be Boyfriend Material.

Sad, but true.


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